《不正經心得文》S.【中文版全球獨家收藏盒】J. J.亞伯拉罕、道格‧道斯特
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1. 先看完內容→手寫字→配件 [討論] S. 的閱讀順序
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- 原文 + 鉛筆筆記
- 一個章節結束後回頭看黑色/藍色的筆記以及附件
- 看完整本書後重頭讀橙色/綠色的筆記與附件
- 最後紫/紅筆記;然後黑/褐色筆記
基於原文─希修斯之船(Ship of Theseus)本身需要花點時間咀嚼,因此我第一次看此書的閱讀方式稍加修改如下:
- 希修斯之船原文+註解 (完全忽略任何手寫字及附件→這很難!我懂…)
- 一個章節結束後回頭看鉛筆筆記、黑色/藍色的筆記以及附件
(順便把附件依照頁碼放進書中) - 看完整本書後重頭讀橙色/綠色的筆記與附件
- 看完後重頭讀紫色/紅色筆記 (自行選擇是否閱讀附件)
- 看完後重頭讀黑色/褐色筆記 (自行選擇是否閱讀附件)
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 以下資料及心得有雷雷雷~雷雷雷 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
- S Files 22 Blog http://sfiles22.blogspot.com/
由S.作者J. J.亞伯拉罕與道格‧道斯特共同主持的官方部落格,裡面包含不同版本的第十章內容→連結在此。 - Radio Straka http://radiostraka.com/
官方釋出的五個錄音 - 非常詳細的S.時間軸 by Justin Garver
http://justingarver.com/timeline-of-s/ - Twitter
@DougDorst - Twitter!!!(Eric & Jen的推特持續更新中)
@VMStraka - Blog by Mystimus http://whoisstraka.wordpress.com/
- Blog by Clare Fish http://monkeysandrabbitholes.blogspot.com/
- Blog by Debbie Tam http://ladansedusinge.wordpress.com/
- 討論S.的法文論壇 http://s-abrams.forumactif.org/
- Who Is Straka網站 http://whoisstraka.com/
- Reddit論壇討論串(沒甚麼人氣,可能我沒找對討論串) http://www.reddit.com/r/whoisstraka
tsi0n :
I think it’s a choice. That the book can end after you read it or you can try to chase the shadows and figure out what is going on
You can enjoy the story of two people meeting in odd circumstances and ending up in love, following their passion together, you can enjoy the story if a man who washed ashore with no memory, and finished out his days with a purpose and a discovery that who he was isn’t really as important as who he chooses to be, or you can enjoy the mystery of one or ten people who may or may not be the author and may or may not belong to an organization. You can decide that who he was shouldn’t matter, because what he did was brilliant (in terms of the writing, the air of mystery and I’m sure the monetary windfall caused by sheer intrigue and obsession! For the sake of the conversation assuming he was a real person). Or you can take the mystery and fall down one of the many rabbit holes hoping someday they give us an answer.